Thomas A. Molinaro, MD, MSCE

Thomas A. Molinaro, MD, MSCE

Dr. Molinaro is a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist who specializes in helping couples achieve their dream of becoming a family.  Working with cutting edge technology such as In Vitro Fertilization, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening sets his practice at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey apart.  

Dr. Molinaro has an intense "hands on" approach and dedicates himself to collaborating with patients to develop a treatment that is tailored to their needs and particular reproductive issues.

Happy Holidays!

The holiday season always gives time for reflection.   Looking back on the year I am always astonished at the number of new patients I've seen (over 300!) and the number of pregnant patients sent off to their obstetrician (over 50%)...  This year I am fortunate enough to receive many holiday cards from current and former patients.  It may seem like a small gesture, but the fact that these patients felt it was important to include me in their list of holiday greetings is important.  I am reminded of the incredible impact we have on a couple's life, allowing them to become a family.  It's amazing to see these children grow knowing that I played a small part in the prologue to their story.  

Happy holidays to all my current and former patients.  Thank you for allowing me to participate in the beginning of your small miracles.  Here's to a great 2015 with many new challenges ahead!